Physical Identifiers
Physical Identifiers are QR code-based labels, NFC chips, RFID threads, etc. which provide access to digital product passports of the products.
It can be used by customers, recyclers, resellers, up-cyclers and NGOs to retrieve different kinds of information essential to ensure the circularity of products.
Stitching Label
- Mode of attachment: Stitching
- Placement in the Garment: Near brand label
- Customisation: Yes (MOQ of 3000)
- Colour options: Black
- Extra cost: NA
- Material: Tafetta
Heat Seal Label
- Mode of attachment: Ironing
- Placement in the Garment: Near brand label
- Customisation: Yes (MOQ of 3000)
- Colour options: Black
- Extra cost: NA
- Material: Tafetta
NFC Chips
- Mode of attachment: Pasting b/w layers
- Placement in the Garment: Near brand label
- Customisation: NA
- Colour options: NA
- Extra cost: INR 20 – 60 per unit
- Material: Electronic Chip